Notes on Food in France

My aunt makes a very tasty lentil stew with sausages, onions, carrots and bits of bacon. (I almost said makes a mean lentil stew for alliteration before I realized that mean could mean either ‘(slang) skilful, impressive’ or ‘inferior in quality’.)

Paris is a good place to eat phở. Fuller review here; I also recommend the bún bò Huế at the same restaurant – my only warning is that this restaurant, for lack of space, will almost certainly ask you whether vous avez fini before you have actually finished.

French paninis are the best cheap way to get lunch (on French bread, and grilled!), and most likely to be discounted at the boulangerie – in my opinion, a four-cheese panini is especially good. Crêpes and quiches are good for lunch too. A chausson aux pommes is always, always a good snack.

Yoghurt is creamier here, less blah, than in the States. Do it the French way: buy plain yoghurt and put in whatever you like, whether fruit preserves or grapes or chocolate. I happen to like rhubarb-orange jam. Mirabelles, too, are good fruits.

Vin de Bourgogne Beaune. Makes me like wine indeed. Looks good in the wineglass too. Had some from 1999, which was the last time I was in France. (For those of you who really don’t like wine outside of Holy Communion, where you have no choice, I remember Biltmore grape juice as the best grape juice ever.)

Regular cheese is Emmental, which in America is generally called Swiss cheese – Americans must have the worst thing designated to be ‘regular cheese’. Beaufort and Comté are really good. And everyone must love Brie.

And no, I still don’t know what escargot tastes like. With that, I depart for lunch.

5 responses to “Notes on Food in France

  1. I went to a church in college that made their own Communion bread. My college roommate and I discovered that both of us loved the taste of the Communion bread. We would always reach for a big piece rather than a small piece.

    Some people just don’t understand that not all Communion bread are the same!

    If you ever visit GraceDC, you’ll find they serve their Communion wine/juice in large glass cups. Well, large compared to the little plastic cups.


    • I’m thinking Eucharistic naan would be great, but fairly fresh whole-grain bread would be very nice as well. I just don’t get the wafers thing: they taste like nothing.

      As for the fruit of the vine, the church I’m going to here in France serves it in glass cups too, somewhat bigger than a shot glass. It’s the way to go, I think. I do wish, though, that churches would drop the teetotalling and just use wine without complaining.


  2. You’re making me hungry. Darnit.


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