Tag Archives: Education

Condoms in Schools?



hould schools distribute condoms to students because the reality is that they are having sex outside of the bounds of marriage?

Al Mohler implies that this being points to a larger problem of schools failing to fulfil their roles:

The university lies in ruins. The character of the university has been corrupted and, in turn, the university now threatens to corrupt, rather than to educate the young. […]

Sex Week at Yale is now a legendary experience in debauchery. As the university’s press release explained, the week “is dedicated to the exploration of love, sex, intimacy, and relationships at Yale University.

He quotes the 26 Sept. edition of the Yale Daily News:

For most students, Sex Week at Yale may simply be an excuse to attend humorous lectures or participate in unconventional, even titillating workshops. But for the evaluators of Trojan’s Sexual Health Report Card, the event represents much more: a valuable effort to increase understanding of the importance of safe sex on campus. Sex Week was one of the most important features in Yale’s sexual-health arsenal that helped it earn the top ranking in Trojan’s recent survey, Sperling said.

The Metaphor

If we were to draw an analogy between extramarital premarital sex (we shall not here treat extramarital romantic affairs) and fighting in school, since both do different kinds of damage to both parties involved, would distributing condoms be more like distributing bandages or distributing weapons? This is the question that determines whether it is appropriate for condoms to be distributed in efforts to combat premarital sex with its deleterious effects. It is the basic metaphor that creates a polarized disconnect between those who advocate condom distribution in schools and those who oppose it. Continue reading